Round Table Talks

The MDPC Discernment Team developed a schedule of events to inform the congregation regarding key issues, give members and various groups the opportunity to share information from differing viewpoints, and for the MDPC Session to be able to receive feedback from the MDPC membership regarding their desired Presbyterian Denominational Affiliation.

Tuesday, April 14 | 7:00-9:00 PM | Fellowship (1A)
Saturday, April 16 | 10:00 AM-12:00 PM | Fellowship Hall (1B)

Tuesday Evening, May 3 | 7:00-9:00 PM | Fellowship Hall (2A)
Saturday Morning, May 7 | 10:00AM-12:00 PM | Fellowship Hall (2B)

The Round Table Talks have concluded, and an MDPC Member Survey will now be conducted. To learn more about the survey process, click here.

Event Calendar

Several other informational events were offered. Click here to view a full listing, and to watch videos of the Informational Meetings.