Watch the video here

Chap provided us with a shared vocabulary for understanding the issues that teenagers face so that we can begin working together to support teenagers as we prepare them to be Christ following adults.

A few follow up items:

  1. Next Steps:  I encourage you to get with the youth leader from your church and collaborate on how your church community can better care for students through the teenage years.   MDPC folks can expect an e-mail from me the week after Thanksgiving highlighting some next steps for our church community.
  2. Future Parenting Events:  The co-sponsoring churches enjoyed working on this together for adults in our community.   We plan to do a collaborative parenting event again in the future.   If you know of other churches in our area that would like to partner with us please let me know.
  3. Video Recording of Chap’s talk:  Please share it with friends and neighbors who need to hear this.  Here is the link to hear Chap’s talk if you missed it or want to hear it again.

Thanks again for taking the time to invest in your children.   Let me know if you have any feedback for improving an event like this in the future or other topics that would help you as a parent.

Grace and Peace,

Luke Gordon


Cheeseburger in Paradise: A Men’s Life Kick-Off with Alf!
Come grab a burger, a slice of pie, meet Alf, and FOCUS on a new season of Men’s Life.
Wednesday, September 2 | 6:45-8:00 PM | Parlor
Register Here


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713-782-1710 |

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